# openEuler

You can get more infomation about openEuler from the following website openEuler (opens new window)

# openEuler Download

# Official Download

You can download the official images form the following link. Download Images (opens new window)

# openEuler Image with BSP Installed

We provide a Image whit BSP installed, generation based on openEuler-22.03-LTS-raspi-aarch64-alpha1 version. openEuler with BSP installed


root username:root
root password:openeuler

# Install image

How to write to the eMMC?

# Install BSP package by dnf

# Original system

If you are using an original system and it is the first time to install our BSP packages, you should follow the following steps to add our server.

sudo curl https://dnf.edatec.cn/eda/RPM-GPG-KEY-edatec -o /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-edatec

sudo nano /etc/yum.repos.d/eda.repo
# Copy the following configurations to eda.repo

# Install BSP package

sudo dnf update
sudo dnf install ed-cm4sen-bsp

This bsp package will work after the next boot.


On openEuler, sshd.sevice is enabled by default, so you can directly connect to Sensing using ssh.

# Network

By default, openEuler uses NetworkManager to manage the network. We also provide some documents to help you use NetworkManager more easily. Nerwork Manager